Bilan scientifique

Chaque année, nous faisons le bilan scientifique des publications et des communications réalisées par les membres du LPPS.

Extrait du Bilan scientifique du premier semestre 2024 :


Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture et à rayonnement international (N=29)


  1. Bahans, M., Baudin, G., Dubourg, M., & Untas, A. (2024). Lifespan integration therapy : Patients’ discourse about outcomes and integration feeling. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 8(2), 100399. (SJR Q2, IF : 2.1)
  2. Baudry, V., Girodet, M., Lochmann, M., Bottichio, M., Charton, E., Flahault, C., … & Christophe, V. (2024). Supportive care needs of adolescents and young adults 5 years after cancer : a qualitative study. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1268113. (SJR Q2, IF : 8)
  3. Blanzat C., Hamonnière T., Phan, O., Bonnaire, C. (2024). The PEERCARE peer-led alcohol overuse prevention program for college students : A qualitative evaluation of the peer-support experience in a “chill-out” harm reduction space. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. (SJR Q2, IF : 1.7)
  4. Bourgeois, A., & Wendland, J. (2024). Mental health disorder in preschool children : do we have the best tools possible to detect it? Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, sous presse. (SJR Q4, IF : 0.3)
  5. Breuillard, D., Ouss, L., Le Normand, M. T., Denis, T. D. S., Barnerias, C., Robert, M. P., Eisermann, M., Boddaert, N., Caillaud, C., Bahi‐Buisson, N., Desguerre, I., & Aubart, M. (2024). Ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 disease : Effective presymptomatic therapy—Oldest case of a presymptomatic enzyme therapy. European Journal of Neurology, e16324. (SJR Q1, IF : 2.4)
  6. Buil, A., Thomas, N., Chevalier, B., & Devouche, E. (2024). Effects of skin-to-skin contact in supported diagonal flexion positioning on movement quality in very preterm infants at term age. Early Human Development, 105954. (SJR Q2, IF : 2.5)
  7. Bulbena, A., Martínez-García, M., Pintor Perez, L., Camara, M., Arbelo-Cabrera, N., Bulbena-Cabré, A., Perez-Sola, V. & Baeza-Velasco, C. (2024). A New Approach Toward Typing Functional Neurological Disorder. The Neuroconnective Phenotype : a case-control study. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. (SJR Q2, IF : 9)
  8. Bulbena, A., Rosado, S., Cabaleiro, M., Martinez, M., Baeza-Velasco, C., Martin, LM., Batle, S., & Bulbena-Cabré, A. (2024). El fenotipo Neuro-Conectivo : Un nuevo paradigma en medicina. Psicosomática y Psiquiatría, N°28. (SJR Q4, IF : 0.030)
  9. Cappe, E., Despax, J., Pedoux, A., Zylberberg, P., Chaste, P., de Gaulmyn, A., Doyen, C., Pommepuy, N., (2024). Parental involvement and adjustment during the diagnostic evaluation of autism spectrum disorder at two diagnostic centers. L’Encéphale. (SJR Q3, IF : 2.7)
  10. De Vries, Y. A., Alonso, J., Chatterji, S., de Jonge, P., Lokkerbol, J., McGrath, J. J., Petukhova, M. V., Sampson, N. A., Sverdrup, E., Vigo, D. V., Wager, S., Al-Hamzawi, A., Borges, G., Bruffaerts, R., Bunting, B., Chardoul, S., Karam, E. G., Kiejna, A., Kovess-Masfety, V., Navarro-Mateu, F., Ojagbemi, A., Piazza, M., Posada-Villa, J., Sasu, C., Scott, K. M., Tachimori, H., ten Have, M., Torres, Y., Viana, M. C., Zamparini, M., Zarkov, Z. & Kessler, R. C. (2024). Proof-of-concept of a data-driven approach to estimate the associations of comorbid mental and physical disorders with global health-related disability, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, e2003. (SJR Q1, IF : 4.035)



Bilan scientifique 2023 intégral

Bilan 2024_S1


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