Laboratoire de Psychopathologie et Processus de Santé (UR 4057)
71 avenue Édouard Vaillant – 92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Thème de recherche
Ses recherches portent sur l’ajustement des patients et de leur entourage (proches, aidants, soignants) à des problèmes de santé :
- Étude des stratégies d’ajustement (individuelles, dyadiques et familiales)
- Ajustement à la douleur dans la maladie chronique (maladie rénale, rhumatologie)
- Étude des relations d’aidance (informelles et professionnelles)
- Développement et évaluations de prises en charge (éducation thérapeutique, hypnose, médiation artistique)
Recherche en cours
Le projet JAID « Recherches sur les Jeunes AIDants » :
Ce projet a pour but de développer la recherche sur les jeunes aidants en France, il été créé en 2017 par le Professeur Aurélie Untas et Géraldine Dorard (MCF-HDR).
Responsabilités actuelles
Membre de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé (AFPSA)
Principales publications
Lacombe, C., Vioulac, C., Dorard, G., & Untas, A. (2024). Les caractéristiques du soutien émotionnel apporté par les jeunes adultes aidants : une étude exploratoire qualitative. Pratiques Psychologiques, 30(3), 187-203.
Pilato, J., Lamore, K., Vioulac, C., Jarrige, E., Dorard, G., & Untas, A. (2024). What Characterizes Adolescent Young Carers ? A Multigroup Comparative Study. Child : Care, Health & Development.
Dorard, G., Vioulac, C., Mathieu, S., Bourgeois, A., Ellien, F. & Untas, A. (2022). Profiles of French young carers taking part in an arts and respite care program. Health and Social Care in the Community. (SJR Q&, IF: 2.821)
Untas, A., Jarrige, E., Vioulac, C., Dorard, G. (2022, accepté). Prevalence and characteristics of adolescent young carers in France: The challenge of identification. Journal of Advanced Nursing. (SJR Q1, IF: 3.187)
Flahault, C., Trosdorf, M., Sonrier, M., Vioulac, C., Fasse, L., Timsit, J. F., … & Garrouste-Orgeas, M. (2021). ICU Survivors Experience of ICU Diaries: An Ancillary Qualitative Analysis of the ICU Diary Study. Critical care explorations, 3(5), e0384. https//
Justin, P., Dorard, G., Vioulac, C., Leu, A., & Untas, A. (2021). What do French school staff know about young carers? A qualitative study about their perceptions. Psychology in the Schools, 58(8), 1531-1544 (SJR Q2, IF: 1.774)
Brignon, M., Vioulac, C., Boujut, E., Delannoy, C., Beauvais, C., Kivits, J., Poivret, D., Giraudet Le Quintrec, J.-S., Untas, A., & Rat, A.-C. (2020). Patients and relatives coping with inflammatory arthritis : Care teamwork. Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy, 23(1), 137‑147. –
Journiac, J., Vioulac, C., Jacob, A., Escarnot, C., & Untas, A. (2020). What do we know about young adult cardiac patients’ experience? A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. (SJR Q1, IF: 2.129)
Rat, A. C., Brignon, M., Beauvais, C., Beranger, M., Boujut, E., Cohen, J. D., Delannoy, C., Griffoul-Espitalier, I., Kivits, J., Poivret, D., Thevenot, C., Trope, S., Untas, A., Vioulac, C., Alleyrat, C., Giraudet-Le Quintrec, J. S., & proxyRIC working group (2020). Patients and spouses coping with inflammatory arthritis: Impact of communication and spousal perceived social support and burden. Joint bone spine, 88(3), 105125. Advance online publication. (SJR Q2, IF: 3.741)
Untas, A., Vioulac, C., Boujut, E., Delannoy, C., Poivret, D., Rat, A.-C., Beauvais, C., & Quintrec, J.-S. G. L. (2020). What Is Relatives’ Role in Arthritis Management? A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Patient-Relative Dyads. Patient Preference and Adherence.
Garrouste-Orgeas, M., Flahault, C., Vinatier, I., Rigaud, J.-P., Thieulot-Rolin, N., Mercier, E., … Vioulac, C., Leborgne, M.-A., Bellalou, L., Fasse, L., Misset, B., Bailly, S., Timsit, J.-F. (2019). Impact of an ICU diary on PTSD in a general population of ventilated patients in French ICUs: the ICU-Diary randomized clinical trial of the Outcomerea research group. Journal of the American Medical Association,322(3), 229–239. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.9058
Lamore, K., Vioulac, C., Fasse, L., Flahault, C., Quintard, B. et Untas, A. (2019). Couples’ experience of the decision-making process in breast reconstruction after breast cancer: A lexical analysis of their discourse. Cancer Nursing. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000708
Rat, A.C., Brignon, M., Vioulac, C., Boujut, E., Delannoy, C., Beauvais, C., Giraudet Le Quintrec, J.S., Poivret, D. & Untas, A. (2019). Patients and relatives coping with inflammatory arthritis: care team-work. Health Expectations. IF:2.85. doi:10.1111/hex.12982
Vioulac, C., Aubrée, C., Kolko, A., Massy, Z. et Untas, A. (2017). Psychosocial factors associated with pain in patients treated by haemodialysis: a 2-month follow-up protocol. European Health Psychologist, 19(5), 361–365. Garrouste-Orgeas, M., Flahault, C., Fasse, L., Ruckly, S., Amdjar-Badidi, N., Argaud, L., … Vioulac, C., Bailly, S., Timsit, J.-F. (2017). The ICU-Diary study: prospective, multicenter comparative study of the impact of an ICU diary on the wellbeing of patients and families in French ICUs. Trials, 18(1), 542.
Montalescot, L., Vioulac, C. (2017) Agressivité des patients : que faire? Cardiologie Pratique, 33(1122), 1-6. Fasse, L., Flahault, C., Vioulac, C., Lamore, K., Van Wersch, A., Quintard, B. et Untas, A. (2017). The decision-making process for breast reconstruction after cancer surgery: Representations of heterosexual couples in long-standing relationships. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22(2), 254-269. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12228
Vioulac, C., Aubrée, C., Massy, Z. A., Untas, A. (2016) Empathy and stress in nurses working in haemodialysis: a qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 72(5), 1075-1085. doi: 10.1111/jan.12899
Chapitres d’ouvrage
Justin, P., Dorard, G., Vioulac, C., & Untas, A. (2024). Élèves à l’école, aidants à la maison : les jeunes aidants d’un proche atteint de cancer. In Boujut, E., Ridremont, D., Rollin, Z. (Eds.), Transition et maladie : adolescents et jeunes adultes concernés par une maladie chronique et invalidante. Bordeaux : Pessac, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, collection S@nté en contextes, 4.
Corpechot, C., Goffette, C., Flahault, C., Vioulac, C., Viret, A.-C., Pérennès, H., Da Rin, D., Ben Belkacem, K., Gaour, F., Bernard, N., Kadhefi, M., Rousseau, A., Soret, P.-A., Lemoinne, S., Chazouillères, O., Untas, A., (2024, Juin). Short- and medium-term effects of hypnosis and psychoeducation on fatigue associated with primary biliary cholangitis: a randomized controlled trial. [Communication affichée]. EASL Congres, Milan, Italie.
Lacombe, C., Vioulac, C., Dorard, G., & Untas, A. (2024, Avril). Better understanding emotional support provided by young adult carers. [Communication orale]. 4th International Young Carer Conference (IYCC), Manchester, Royaume-Uni.
Dorard, G., Pilato, , Chevrier, B., Jarrige, E., Vioulac, C., & Untas, A. (2024, Avril). How many young carers are there in France ? Prevalence studies among adolescents and emerging adults. [Communication orale]. 4th International Young Carer Conference (IYCC), Manchester, Royaume-Uni.